Monday 23 July 2012

Learning first, entertainment second. Technology in the classroom.

Lots of talk lately has been whether or not technology can improve student learning.  I believe, when used correctly, technology can drastically improve understanding of concepts .  Using the virtual world destroys the boundaries we encounter in the physical classroom.  In all fields of education, we need to start using all tools available and not just the "traditional" tools that were around when we were in high school. 

When my SmartBoard was first installed in my class, I truly believed I was utilizing technology to its full potential everyday, by writing my notes on the SmartBoard.  Sadly, I have then realized all I had in my classroom was a glorified whiteboard.  This then caused to me think, "Even though I might have technology in my class, unless I am using it in a way that requires that certain technology, I am not using it correctly".

How do we utilize such technology?  Below are apps described by "eSchoolNews", and what the sites claims to be the top 10 iPad, iPhone, or iTouch apps.  The list could go on and on, as more and more educational apps are created daily.   No matter what technology we use, however, we need to be aware that its use should be promoting student learning and not just for entertainment.

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